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Bike Girl Goes On Hiatus

Bike Girl has been missing from the internet for some time now, yet she still continues to receive emails from loyal readers. What do you think? Should Bike Girl begin to post again, albeit somewhat infrequently, or should our fair protagonist retire from this blog permanently?






Arc’teryx A2B Commuter Pants – $139
If Giro took the approach of making as few changes as possible to the Gap chinos model, then Arc’teryx went the opposite route. Water-repellant and quick drying with articulated knees and lots of reflective stuff (cuffs and pocket flaps), these look very functional. The technical details befit Arc’teryx’s reputation for high-performance. Luckily, the price-point is lower than I would expect from this company.

A lot of my friends express frustration at having products dumbed down or flowered up when a women’s size is finally released. Arc’teryx gets points for making these just like the men’s model, just sized differently. Unfortunately, there’s still a double standard in the workplace. There are men who work in my building who could get away with wearing these to the office, but it wouldn’t fly for me. I need something a little more polished.



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